1. Human Trafficking

I Promise to all of you that in my first 30 days in office to get a plan put together and in motion to stop human trafficking for good. There's absolutely no reason that today in our society, that any of this is going on, it's a disgrace to humanity.

2. No State Income Tax on the first $200,000 of Income.


Wisconsin's taxes are too high and too much goes to wasteful spending. This leads people to leave Wisconsin to pay lower or no taxes elsewhere and leads to fewer supporters of our Wisconsin businesses.


• Removes the Wi State Income Tax on the first $250,000 earned.

• No Wisconsin tax return required.

• An approximately 5% flat tax on incomes over $200,000.

• An INSTANT pay raise for all workers and investors.

• Funded by streamlining / reducing regulation and red tape throughout Wisconsin. Additionally: legalizing Gambling, Massive Growth, Future School consolidation, & Ending OVERPAYING for services. Private sector can build tunnels at $10 million per mile. ALL Wi projects, in the future, will have 100% public transparency, where we publicly & transparently weigh quality and cost. This ends crony capitalism (backroom deals) and corruption.

3. Future Schools

• Future Schools combine college, trade school, high school, & financial education.

• Students graduate debt free, for free, at 18, ready for career placement.

• In partnership with small, medium, and large businesses throughout Wi.

• Practically: at 14, students have a choice to attend a Future School. For the first 2 years, students will learn communication skills, business skills, financial education, basic accounting, and life-prep skills. After the first two years, students will study for a career while only attending school 3 days per week, allowing time for work/interning.

• Enrollees over 18 who have not gone through the first two years of business, finance, and communications coursework will go through an accelerated process while studying their career.

• All Wisconsinite's are eligible. If a student does not have a tax payer identification number, Future Schools will provide students a path to legal citizenship. Critical Race Theory will not be taught as Future Schools will provide education focused on results, careers, and financial education.

• Consider This: Instead of guessing what businesses need, businesses of all sizes will work with our Future Schools to educate our teachers, enabling our teachers more pay. Then, teachers will educate our students in skills that fit their choice, so that students graduate debt free, with a financial-and-wealth-building background, and ready for a career. Traditional Universities will still be an option, however Future School enrollees will NOT be required to take SAT/ACT testing for placement at State Schools.

4. Ending Unaffordable Housing.

• Consider This: The State Licenses architects, engineers, and contractors, yet doesn’t give them the power to authorize 90% of remodel/construction work that doesn’t need the government in the way. Liability, insurance, and bonding is required by virtue of licensure, so let licenses mean something, and get the government out the way, subject to audits and oversight. We’ll also streamline state-wide construction of new housing communities, towns, developments, and do so with an emphasis on faster transportation into nearby metros.

5. Ending Traffic Fast & Better Roads that Pay Us.

• Request proposals from the private sector to solve transportation emergency.

• OPTIONAL variable toll roads (new roads in addition to existing roads with tolls - giving drivers the option to take a toll road or not). More roads = less traffic.

• Support tunnels and roads to new communities via construction boom.

• End high-speed rail. Focus on better public transportation especially for Future Schools and workplaces.

• Utilizing the “green wave” to coordinate traffic lights and limit traffic will also be implementing.

• Consider This: The private sector is prepared to help solve Wisconsin’s transportation issues. The problem? The Governor is in the way. Cities and counties don’t want traffic; it hurts them. As Governor, Levi will request public proposals from private companies who will compete against each other for opportunities to fix our transportation nightmare. This might include logical changes to speed limits, lane efficiency, and enhancements to our building processes that enable faster solutions, such as multiple private partnerships providing tunnels throughout the same, where traffic is worst.

6. Fully Legalize Gambling.

• Legalize online and in-person gambling.

• Build casinos THROUGHOUT Wisconsin.

• Prevents returning to state income taxes.

• Consider This: Today, many leave Wisconsin to travel, vacation, and gamble elsewhere. Why not do as states should do, become competitive with other states, and provide Wisconsinites and Americans an opportunity to enjoy gambling IN Wisconsin. We welcome Everyone.

7. Prisoner’s Cleaning Our Streets.

• Focus on community policing and reintegrating trust with law enforcement and communities.

• Non-violent inmates in jails/prisons will work community service in neighborhoods they committed crimes in under group supervision. Selected, non-violent inmates who agree to clean our streets will be eligible to go stay at home with family, reducing jail costs, while being monitored to ensure attendance and fulfillment of sentence. Wisconsin has over 23,000 prisoner's and spends over $30,000 per prisoner per year on housing Prisoners. This is backwards. Prisoners should contribute to our society, society shouldn’t contribute to them.

• Inmates will clean our streets, roads, towns/cities, and remove graffiti.

• Option to attend Future Schools to prevent recidivism.

• Focus on training, social support, and community, with a focus on growth. For example, restrictive alcohol enforcement on businesses cripples business.

8. 14-Day LEGAL Immigration Process.

• Wisconsin will establish a process for fast-tracked LEGAL immigration. Our “illegal” immigration crisis is a result of a HORRIBLE, out-dated, and criminalizing immigration disaster. A 14-day legal immigration process helps us attract not just refugees, but also qualified immigrants who can support and contribute to our economy. Legal immigration does not cost Wisconsin jobs, it expands our economy and grows our revenues. Consider this: A CPA who moves to Wisconsin from Brazil, who agrees not to accept any social-welfare programs, needs a dentist, doctor, grocery store, taxi driver, retail stores, and more. For each person who legally immigrants to Wisconsin, we expect economic growth for 10+ Wisconsinite's.

• Every mid to low income Immigrant will need to have a job lined up. They will get a temporary 2 year Citizenship and will have to attend a future school on the side to learn English etc. If they still have a job and no criminal activities they will be granted full Citizenship.

Additionally and on Manufacturing:

• Wisconsin will also partner with companies providing access to Future Schools.

• This allows companies to train students prior to graduating Future Schools, making them career ready at 18.

9. Transforming the DMV & Optional Virtual IDs.

• Virtual IDs and Registrations w/ QR coded downloads. Virtual IDs would be OPTIONAL - so printed QR or full-versions would still be available on an OPT-IN basis (default being virtual, but for those desiring physical, the option would be available).

• Privatizing license plates, driver tests, and vision tests.

• Speed cameras & virtual tickets; less traffic stops via officer virtual traffic stops & ticketing.

• Instant options to dispute or pay tickets via a new Wisconsin App.

10. Ending Gun Violence.

• Wisconsin should focus less on restrictions for legal weapon owners, and instead focus more resources on weapon education, mental Health services, therapy access especially for those uninsured or underinsured, and teaching mental-wellness in our schools to prevent the stigmatization of mental-health illnesses in Wisconsin.

• Those who are trained and background checked SHALL have more rights in Wisconsin. We’re moving towards MORE rights and freedoms in Wisconsin, not less.

• Tiered licenses for individuals with weapons training.

• Granting more privileges like concealed carry to more folks who are trained and background checked. This would be the first expansion of Gun Rights Wisconsin has seen in decades.

11. NO Covid 2.0 Lockdowns.


Vaccines are a choice. Masks are a choice. Businesses shall have the right to remain OPEN — however, reasonable “HEPA-filtration” and ventilation requirements may be an option, but we will NOT have lockdowns again.

12. Future Courts.

• Small claims limits raised to $100,000.

• New Small Claims Advisor Counsel license taught at Future Schools.

• Speeding up the legal system by investing in our courts.